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18 Mar 2011, Who Owns Rugby ?

James Carlberg and his son Kai Go to to read Luke O'Callaghan's latest Rhino Rugby Rant on the subject of rugby and fashion. Luke pays tribute to James Carlberg of...

3 Mar 2011, Showboating in Rugby

The new Rhino Rugby Rant post by Luke O'Callaghan: "Showboating – it’s crept up on us slowly in rugby, but it’s here. Tommy Bowe, Shane Williams and of course, Chris Ashton...

10 Feb 2011, What on Earth is Happening to the Scrum?!

WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING TO THE SCRUM? ...find out at The Rhino Rugby Rant the new rugby blog from Luke O’Callaghan, aka 'The Rugby Nomad' New from Rhino Rugby...