James Carlberg
James Carlberg and his son Kai

Go to www.therhinorugbyrant.com to read Luke O'Callaghan's latest Rhino Rugby Rant on the subject of rugby and fashion. Luke pays tribute to James Carlberg of Liquid Rugby in the US who pulled off the David against Goliath feat of defeating Rugby Ralph Lauren in a six year court case of enormous importance to anyone involved in the business of rugby, and to rugby fans everywhere.

Ralph Lauren, having in the past succeeded in preventing the US Polo Association from using an image of a man on a horse on leisurewear, began some years ago a campaign of legal intimidation designed to prevent anyone using the world 'Rugby' on an article of leisurewear. Sounds incredible, but without the guts, determination and bravery of one man and his small business they may well have succeeded. Take a bow, Jim - you're a hero and all of us at Rhino salute you. Who owns Rugby ? Not Ralph Lauren, thank goodness! Read The Rhino Rugby Rant now >>