Rhino, one of the sport’s leading brands, has partnered with the RLWC2021 to help deliver two of the tournament’s legacy programmes
The RLWC2021 has today announced a new partnership with Rhino, one of the world’s leading rugby league equipment manufacturers, to provide exclusive support for two of the tournament’s InspirationALL legacy initiatives.
Rhino won a competitive tender to become the first partner of the CreatedBy RLWC2021 Capital Grants Programme, where they will supply the provision of CreatedBy RLWC 2021 branded kit and equipment for the small grants scheme. The CreatedBy RLWC2021 Capital Grants Programme offers rugby league clubs and community groups the opportunity to bid for funding to increase participation and engagement within their local communities.
The application process for interested grassroots clubs and communities is now open on www.RLWC2021.com/facilities with funding available for large transformational projects and smaller-scale initiatives, including the kit and equipment that will be supplied by Rhino via CreatedBy RLWC2021 funding.
In addition, the agreement will also see Rhino support the RLWC2021 International Development Programme (IDP), which includes the production and delivery of a full InspirationALL playing kit that will be donated to a local team in each of the locations visited around the world over the next three years ahead of the tournament. The IDP will see the legacy team travel across the globe to burgeoning rugby league nations to transfer knowledge and provide support to help grow the sport. The IDP has already held events in the Netherlands and Papua New Guinea.
Chief executive of the RLWC2021, Jon Dutton, said: “Rhino is a ubiquitously known brand in rugby league, offering quality equipment and kits to the world’s biggest leagues, teams and competitions. Our InspirationALL programme is all about creating a lasting impact and delivering high quality products to help grassroots clubs and communities is absolutely integral to that.”
MD of Rhino Rugby League, Tony Colquitt, added: “The tournament in 2021 is already shaping up to be the biggest and best Rugby League World Cup. The InspirationALL program is a massive part of this tournament’s reach and we hope to see it having a lasting impact – we’re incredibly proud to be part of that drive to develop the sport and look forward to the journey in the next three years.”
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